Here is everything you need to know about DropdownRoles
What are DropdownRoles?
It's pretty simple. You select the roles you want from a Discord Selectmenu and the bot gives you those and removes the other non-selected choices.
Number limitations
Only up to 5 DropdownRoles per message
Only on the bots messages
Only up to 25 roles in one DropdownRole setup (selectmenu)
Role names being set up cant exceed 100 characters
Selectmenu limitations
Emojis and custom Labels only in bulksetup
Label character limit is 100
Placeholder character limit is 100
Role(s) have to be below the bots highest role
The bot has to have
permissions2 roles are required
How to set up a DropdownRole
Type out /dropdownroles create
Select any type of text based channels
work for thisWrite a nice description This will be displayed as the main field in the embed when above the ButtonRole
Select the 2 required roles Make sure both of them meet the requirements above OPTIONAL:
Select the max amount of roles a member can claim
Select the placeholder of what the selectmenu should display when nothing has been selected
Select whether the bot should notify the member about the role change
Select any additional roles When the button is clicked the bot will process all the roles (e.g. remove every role set up)
When you're done your command should look similar to this:
Last updated
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